

Friday, June 21, 2013

On the Move

It has been such a joy to share and connect with friends and family in different cities and churches the last few months as we prepare for our departure to Guatemala on    August 6.  It is beautiful to see the uniqueness and diversity of each church we have been ministering in. We are going to be in Lake City, FL this weekend where our married life and ministry started 13 years ago.  Lori and I were only 6 months into marriage when we moved to serve as Youth Pastors at Christian Heritage Church.   It was a place of firsts for us; first house, first child, first time leading a mission trip, and many other firsts.  It was also the first time Lori and I met Ron Kelly, the director of Living Water International, the missionary we will be serving under in Guatemala.  We will be on the move the next couple of weeks traveling to different churches and the CFN conference.  We would appreciate your prayers.  We are still extremely excited about moving to Guatemala but have recently found ourselves taking deep breathes, as we reflect and realize we are about to move away from our family, friends, and our hometown to begin a new life. 
Philippians 4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Here are a few items of prayer for our family
1.   Grace on our family as we say our last goodbyes
2.   More monthly & one-time financial partnerships as we still are in need of help
3.   God’s protection on us as we travel hundreds of miles in the next few weeks

4.   God’s gracious anointing to surround us to encourage and motivate the churches to engage their mission field

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Prayer Video for Guatemala

Thank you for your prayers for the people of Guatemala! Operation World produces prayer videos for countries and people groups all over the world.  Today the highlighted country was Guatemala.
Please watch the video below and continue to pray for the gospel to spread in Guatemala.